Thursday, March 8, 2012


The thoughts coming at us and pondered by us don't
have to be carried out.Over the past several years I
have researched and studied this and come to CONCLUDE
that at any-time at any-place these thoughts can be stopped
completely or changed contrary to prior BELIEF SYSTEM
Doing this exercise is the BEST WAY to CREATE in us a
NEW BELIEF SYSTEM complete with a new PAST because
what I like to say isTHIS:what has PASSED is PAST so when
it comes up and it will remember:When you get hit in the FACE
with a BUCKET of SHIT \/ BE - SURE - to - CLOSE - YOUR - EYES

This has been great fun for me and I hate to stop writing when I am on a ROLL i should play my role
as I have studied my charactor and tried to live in his shoes so I can play him properly and do justice
to the role so when ROLL FILM is called I am in my role so the rolling film can capture this forever
in a CAN stored so far inside the WAREHOUSE of the WORLD you remember a story about a
mystic sub marine captain named NEMO the "SUB"was called the NAUTILIST This Nemo and his
sub are said to be just fictional folklore but make no mistake about it\/ NEMO and the NAUTILUS
are real and do exsist in a different dimension in this TIMe with the machine I have made will take us
ATLANTUS this is real there as well let's get on with it MUTT?JEFF? let's go we have an appointment
for DEATH we won't be keeping that appointment The machine starts and SILENCE NOTHING TASERS and spheres of light \/ then we are talking to Captain NEMO aboard the Nautilus He informs
us as to our ROLE and his are in this mixed up ASSIGNMENT Probably shouldn't think about that so the best thing to do is listen to the one who has the answers and right5 now that is NEMO the NAUTILUS and the city of ATLANTIS are the answer so we are in the coolest "sub"I have ever seen it is more like a luxury Hotel and Atlantus can be seen through the large window on the "bridge"Captain
NEMO was about 5'feet 6"tall and he stood straight and his face was gentle looking and a look of understanding like the typical Grandpa well Mutt and Jeff were registering at the Hotel NEMO in Atlantis it was huge the suite we were issued was the Presidential suite witch was the whole top floor completewith hot=tub and swimming pool a weight room a Movie house in the Hotel along with several restaurants and night clubs the very large Casino was in it's own building about three blocks north it was all so overwhelming I decided to go to the suite and sleep for a while so I could figure out the next move until then ... ... ... ..GOOD-BYE

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